Leave it to the old guy to come up with boldest move in this presidential campaign. In fact, one could argue that it is the boldest move in a presidential campaign in at least the last 50 years. Comparisons to the 1984 Mondale/Ferraro ticket fall short, since Mondale had no chance of defeating Reagan, and in fact got destroyed in an electoral vote landslide (525 to 13).
Thus, knowing that they were going to lose big in 1984, what harm could there be in making a “historical” statement by nominating Geraldine Ferraro? The difference now is that McCain is very much in play, so picking Palin bears none of the tokenism that applied to Ferraro.
Sarah Palin was chosen to appeal to conservatives, primarily. Given her pro-life, pro-gun, meat-eating, tax-lowering credentials, one wonders how much she should appeal to the so-called “PUMAS” (Party Unity, My Ass) Democrats, who are big Hillary Clinton supporters. Of course, there is much going on beneath the surface.
Hillary supporters would like nothing better than for Obama to lose, thus opening up a 2012 slot for their favorite candidate. Fair enough, but what does Bill Clinton think about all this?
Just before Bill made his speech at the Dem Convention on August 27th, former President Jimmy Carter told The Washington Times that Bill Clinton became an unwittingly divisive figure during the Democratic primaries, damaging his wife’s chances to win the presidency with a series of verbal gaffes. Carter noted: “As he tried to campaign for his wife, I think in the heat of the campaign he made some verbal mistakes.”
Whether Carter was trying to spin things, or is just simply clueless is hard to determine, but let me assure you that NOTHING Bill Clinton ever does is “unwitting.”
During his presidency, Clinton misquoted a passage from the Sermon on the Mount as “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth.” This passage, Matthew 5:9, is correctly rendered “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons (or children) of God.”
This was no mistake. Instead, it was a clever inside joke. He just wanted to see how the sycophant media would react. He reasoned that many of them were inveterate atheists, and would have no familiarity whatever with the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, or Matthew’s Gospel. More fun, though, would be those who knew he was wrong, but were afraid to contradict him. They were afraid to contradict him because they did not want to upset his supposed “Christian” bona fides, earned, apparently by lugging a bible the size of the Manhattan Yellow pages with him to Sunday services.
Why am I mentioning this minor incident? Precisely BECAUSE it was a minor incident. Yet, look at the thought that Clinton put into it.
Now, consider the ego of the man. Do you think for a moment that he actually wanted his wife to achieve the same office he did? Do you really believe that he wanted to be “First Man” in a Hillary White House? No verbal gaffes, as Carter put it, can possibly come from a man who would parse words to the extent that he would utter the famous line, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”
Suffice to say that if Hillary does get the opportunity to run again, she’d better keep Bill far away.
Will Hillary supporters flock to the McCain/Palin ticket? Sarah Palin is the polar opposite of Hillary Clinton. Palin worked her way up the ladder, while Clinton was awarded a Senate seat, based strictly on her name, with essentially no résumé. Palin characterized herself as a “hockey mom,” a term that would never be uttered in million years by Clinton. (Nor would “soccer mom.”)
Palin is overwhelmingly popular, Clinton is burdened with negatives greater than 40%. Palin was a beauty queen, and Hillary is, well not particularly good-looking.
One can hardly imagine Sarah Palin enduring a philandering husband, but then compare the marriages! The Palins were childhood sweethearts, the Clintons are a political marriage of convenience.
John McCain has thrown down the gauntlet. Which team is really America? A prissy leftist and his political hack, gaffe-prone running mate? Or a maverick war hero and the small town girl who made good?
Congratulations, Senator on a huge and bold move.