In what is undoubtedly the worst column he has ever written, and possibly the single most inane piece of journalism conceived in the last ten years, Jonah treats us to his deep thoughts regarding the California recall election. Not wanting to keep the eager reader waiting, his title, “Recall Election Shows Too Much Democracy is Dangerous” gives you a pretty good idea of where he’s coming from.
To demonstrate his very questionable conservative bona fides, he starts off by dismissing the liberal arguments against the recall as “flatly absurd.” But then, in vintage Jonah fashion, he makes his own arguments, which, I suppose, must be pointedly absurd.
“The recall, in my opinion, undermines the accountability of voters, telling them in effect that they can have a do-over whenever they mess things up by electing the wrong guy. Well, I’m sorry. As I’ve said before, the people of California elected Gray Davis and now they must be punished.”
Interesting concept. First of all, Davis barely won the election, and the total turnout was anything but overwhelming. So, by that logic alone, there is plenty of unjust punishment being meted out. He also has it wrong about the “do-over.” Of course, we have do-overs. They occur every time we elect a new guy to replace the old one! By what tortured reasoning is the exercise of that option under a regularly scheduled basis any more legitimate than doing it on an emergency basis?
“… And until Californians understand that their state’s problems are not accidental so much as logical, the liberals of the California Democratic Party will continue to run the state into the ground.”
Now that’s a good one. Tell me, Jonah baby, exactly which Californians are going to achieve this understanding—and when? The millions of illegal aliens? How about the Hollywood Leftist morons? Could it be the hundreds of thousands of state employees? Maybe it will be the members of the teachers’ unions, or perhaps the casino Indian tribes?
It surely won’t be the business owners and their workers who have left the state, and it would never be California’s major print media outlets, which are lockstep left wing institutions.
So, by all means, let’s wait for the promised enlightenment. What unbelievably toxic, arrogant, and pernicious drivel, that could only emanate from a writer whose main claim to fame is that his mother had her 15 minutes of fame, based on her involvement with Linda Tripp.
But wait. There’s more! He goes on to attack Arnold Schwarzenegger as “probably the worst of all possible outcomes.” Arnold, you see, is a “social liberal, ” with “few conservative positions.” For God’s sake, Jonah, look in the mirror!
“He insists that he’s opposed to giving illegal immigrants driver’s licenses not because they are, in fact, illegally in the United States, but because it would be a “security threat” to have licensed immigrant drivers who haven’t been fingerprinted.”
Here, our boy wonder really exposes himself. First, note the transition from “illegal immigrants” to simply “immigrants,” within the same sentence. It is no secret that neo-cons, and Goldberg is no exception, are huge boosters of open immigration, and will paper this over with occasional mild remarks on illegals (such as this one). More significant is his lack of comprehension that given this driver’s license, the illegal—now legitimized via stealth amnesty—has achieved the same level of official identification that a citizen would have. And this is not a security threat? Would-be terrorists sneaking in from Canada or Mexico: Come on down!
Certainly, fake ID’s are available. It’s just that they’ve never before been supplied by the state.
He concludes (or so you think) by saying that the best outcome is for Davis to squeak by, and carry out his ongoing “panderfest,” saddling us with even more Leftist horrors, so that the Republicans can then ride in on their white horse. Yeah, as if… We all know that the legacy of FDR was less socialism, right?
But you keep on reading. In the best tradition of the Hollywood false ending, he suggests that he was really only kidding.
“Even though I’m against the recall, if I lived in California I would vote for the recall and try to run Gray Davis out on a rail. Why the double-standard? Because if I lived in California, I would have to vote for my immediate interests. And, besides, I never would have voted for Davis in the first place.”
Please stop. Take a deep breath and understand that this man is paid to write, and presumably, someone is paid to edit him. It is not enough to say that a mediocre high school student could have come up with something far better. Rather, lament that the conservative movement in America has been hijacked by no-talent hacks like Jonah Goldberg.