Disgraced former Vice President Spiro Agnew is widely credited with originating (in 1970) the phrase, “I am not questioning his patriotism, I’m questioning his judgment.” Variations of this bromide have been used by hundreds of politicians ever since. Apparently, questioning someone’s patriotism, like calling another politician a liar, is to be avoided at all costs. Yet, with the device of this rather transparent circumlocution, the question is raised nonetheless, with a full measure of necessary gentility.
This sort of verbal cosmetics was essentially unknown in American politics until the 1920 elections, when campaigners did not want to offend the supposedly tender sensibilities of all those new women voters. And, by 1928, when broadcast media was to play an ever-increasing role in politics, we had truly entered the gelded age, so to speak.
As to the matter of Senator Dick Durbin’s asinine remarks, comparing the actions of our soldiers to various world class despotic regimes, although many condemned his remarks, and many others cravenly refused to, only Bush aide Karl Rove came close to attacking him personally, for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Naturally, when Rove mentioned this, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi called for his head, never specifying just what was wrong with Rove’s analysis. Pelosi seems intent on exposing her mindless partisan nonsense on a daily basis, as just the other day she opined that the war in Afghanistan is over—an assessment that must come as a big surprise to the troops stationed there, given recent savage battles.
When the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate is so blinded by ideology that he can equate harsh interrogation techniques to some of the most brutal regimes in history, the soft underbelly of the sick, sordid Left is exposed for all who have eyes to see.
Don’t be fooled by his crocodile tear-laden non-apology, either. How in the world can he reconcile
“This was the action of Americans in treatment of their prisoners.” [referring to the so-called mistreatment]
“When you look at the eyes of the soldiers you see your son and daughter. They are the best. I never, ever intended any disrespect for them.”
Of course, he intended disrespect, as he was simply tossing red meat to the core faithful, and assumed that he would not be called on it. (And he virtually wasn’t, in most of the elite media).
After all, the hardcore Dems really only stand for a few things: hating Bush, religion, and the military; unlimited abortion; pandering to racial minorities and homosexuals; promoting class envy; and gathering in their cells to tell each other how much smarter they are than the common man, even while masquerading as his champion.
Durbin should at the very least be mortified that Al-Jazeera now broadcasts his remarks to the war zone, undoubtedly putting America’s men and women in uniform in greater danger. Instead, he is now using his status as a victim of the right wing conspiracy to energize fund raising.
I have no doubt that the antics of Durbin, Harry Reid, Howard Dean, and the rest of the useful idiots will excite the hardcore, but the since the hardcore seldom wins elections, it matters not. What they are doing is turning off the average American, and that certainly works for me.
Were there not human lives involved, it would be great fun watching these mountebanks self-destruct.