With story after anti-American story coming out of most of Europe, in the wake of the Iraq war, we search for answers. Sad to say, the answers are not so hard to find…
Hundreds of years ago, when Islamo-fascist types threatened their continent, it was Christendom that stood up to the invasion. Indeed “Christendom” was virtually synonymous with Europe in those days. These days, however, in anticipation of The Convention on the Future of the European Union, scheduled for completion by 2004, the debate rages as to whether Europe’s Christian history should even be mentioned.
“The EU must resist pressure to include religion of any kind in its constitutional declarations,” said Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of Britain’s National Secular Society. “Europe embraces those of many faiths, and of no faith. Promoting any one faith as pre-eminent will inevitably lead sooner or later to resentment.”
Interesting thought, considering that most of Europe is now so functionally atheist, that if any faith is being “promoted,” it is probably Islam. Somehow, though, I don’t think that’s what he had in mind. Would it surprise you that France, birthplace of some of the greatest saints in history, now leads the move toward secularization? Strangely enough, it hasn’t yet had much of an effect on the ten percent or so of its population that is Muslim.
For what it’s worth, Pope John Paul II has weighed in on the matter, calling the message of Christianity…
“[r]elevant even to those who, in the field of politics, are working to bring about European unification.” “In searching for its own identity, the continent cannot but return to its Christian roots,” the pope said. “The Christian patrimony of civilization, which has contributed so greatly to the defense of the values of democracy, freedom and solidarity among the peoples of Europe, must neither vanish nor be disregarded.”
These days, however, the pope has become a sort of latter-day partial Cassandra, whereby only the most politically correct of his statements are ever heeded, or even publicized in the elite media. The plain truth is that Europe has lost its faith, its cultural identity, its spirit, and its will. America may have its malaise and countless problems, but it is still vibrant and free. What else can the Euros do but hate us, or move here?
So, how did Europe get this way? Full marks (Marx) if you answered “Socialism.” Theoretically, it might be possible for a socialist government to embrace religion, but generally, the government itself becomes the religion. Who needs God when the almighty State cares for you from womb to tomb?
Which brings us to the United Nations. Originally conceptualized by allies Britain and the US in August, 1941 as the Atlantic Charter, and full of high hopes, it started to deteriorate even as 26 countries signed the Declaration of United Nations on January 1, 1942. What other outcome could there be as the notion of radical egalitarianism swept the world, and bloodthirsty mass murderer and our “great ally” Joseph Stalin was given equal charge as to the future of the organization?
Plagued by internecine conflicts ever since, the UN soon thrust itself into the realm of total irrelevancy as little more than a debating society, frequented by a cadre of pampered, pompous, and pathetic diplocrats. Lately, the UN has moved into comic opera, with the election of Libya to chair this year’s session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Yes, THAT Libya, a known human rights abuser and a country under U.N. sanctions.
As a baby boomer, I remember well the near brainwashing we would get at all levels in school about the grand and glorious UN. In the 1960’s, I made the pilgrimage and took the tour. Prominent in the Secretariat building is Isaiah