After reading about the trials of Santa Monica (California) High School student Steve Miller, to say nothing of how many young minds are being poisoned every day, this seemed like an educational topic.
According to the National Education Association (NEA), the average salary of a U.S. public school teacher for the 2001-02 school year was $44,499. No doubt, this is much lower than other professions such as law and medicine, but one can’t enter those with a 2.0 undergrad average from, say, Chico State, nor are there many emergency provisions to obtain employment in those fields without proper certification.
Unlike the other professions, teaching has the security of civil service, and there are almost unlimited opportunities to make considerably more money by simply hanging in, running extracurricular programs, and by becoming an administrator. It is not uncommon for a school administrator, in larger districts, to make well over $100,000.
The “victim” persona comes from them comparing their worthy occupation of instructing America’s youth, and being involved in intellectual pursuits, to highly paid entertainers and athletes. To be fair, they also take way too much criticism for being the sole cause of our country getting continuously more stupid with every passing year. They are more aware than most that this failure is primarily the result of the destruction of the American family–especially amongst the Black population–but being toe-tag liberals, cannot say this. This makes them feel even more victimized.
If you’re a victim, you’re a leftie.
Teachers work with books all day, and, at least, on the surface, are engaging in activities of the mind. They can take some comfort in this, when they compare themselves to athletes and others who seem to get a lot of money for merely physical attributes. Most intellectuals believe that they are superior to all other people, who, even if they must use their minds in their work, have sold out in some manner to achieve their economic success. What could be a more pure use of the intellect than instructing children, after all?
As intellectuals, they are only too ready to tell everyone else how to live, and to put that into practice requires an all-powerful government. Like most intellectuals, they seem to care little for the original functions of government, such as defense, police, and promoting commerce. And like most intellectuals, they enjoy embracing the most perverse ideas, just for the attention.
If you’re an intellectual, as this term applies today, you’re a leftie.
Stripped to its essentials, the NEA is about more money for the school districts, always and without limits of any kind, less accountability, and nearly every single left-wing cause you could possibly imagine. Oh yes, they talk about accountability, but inevitably refer to it as a complex issue that will require more study, so nothing ever seems to actually get done about it.
The NEA sends more voting delegates to the Democratic National Convention than does the State of California, yet the NEA enjoys tax-exempt status, claiming not to engage in political activities of any kind.
Perhaps the teachers would consider themselves less of a victim class if they made significantly more money, but the NEA–like most unions–does its best to determine that will never happen, by protecting bad performers, and fighting against the competition that would occur if vouchers were widely used. The NEA’s animus against vouchers stems, of course, from its atheism, since a goodly portion of vouchers would be used to support parochial schools. I guess it’s important to be able to choose to terminate a pregnancy, but not to choose where your kid goes to school.
If you’re still a true believer in trade unions, you’re a leftie.
I know teachers talk about self-esteem all the time, but think of the frat boy who always talked about his sexual conquests, and then was unmasked to have none. For many of them, it’s all they can do to lord it over a bunch of kids, and it is just in this kind of environment that Leftist politics flourishes. Why? Since none of the cockamamy ideas would ever stand up to debate, and can only be promulgated unchallenged. That’s also why most teachers tend to hang out with other teachers. Despite all the air of superiority, they really do feel inferior. They can take comfort only with their own, and other downtrodden folks.
If you have no self-esteem, you’re a leftie.
One or two of these factors would push many people over to the Left, but since most teachers have all four going full-blast, their present condition is easy to understand.