Let me put a positive spin on the latest scandal to emerge from Washington: The feuding parties have all united! And, we find that it actually is possible to embarrass Nancy Pelosi. But first, here are the salient details…
Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA), caught on videotape taking $100,000 in bribes, with $90,000 of the money found in his freezer during a search, is maintaining his innocence. Give him full marks for chutzpah and arrogance. And, don’t forget stupidity, since he acted as his own bagman, thus extinguishing any possibility of deniability. While we’re at it on the stupidity thing, ponder a moment on the moronic tribalistic New Orleans voters that keep returning this miscreant—nicknamed “Dollar Bill”—to office.
It is surely no surprise that yet another rotten congressman was caught with his hands in the cookie jar, but even this world-class cynic was taken aback when virtually the entire Congress jumped to his defense. Puzzled? You can bet that many on the Hill are shaking in their boots at the prospect of their office or residence being searched by the FBI, just like Jefferson’s was. Thus, they have created, out of whole cloth, the notion of “constitutional protections” that shield them from “executive-branch harassment.”
Credit this pathetic corrupt Louisiana politician for being able to unite the entire US Congress under the rallying cry of defending their right to be corrupt.
True, the FBI is part of the Department of Justice, which is an executive branch institution. But, the search warrant was duly issued by U.S. District Judge Thomas F. Hogan. The hassle seems to be centered around the historical fact that until 20 May 2006, no such warrant had ever been used to search a lawmaker’s office in the 219-year history of the Congress. Of course, one could argue that it probably took 219 years for Congress to deteriorate into such a motley collection of grandstanders, windbags, useless eaters, and just plain criminals.
Jefferson is a fine example of the latter. Former associates of his have stated that Jefferson accepted more than $400,000 in bribes to help them sell telecommunications technology to Nigeria and other West African countries.
While Dollar Bill remains defiant for now, we note that the House leaders have backed off from their original demand of returning the evidence, which itself prompted threats of several resignations from the Department of Justice, including Attorney General Gonzales. On 26 May, Minority Leader Pelosi said, “No one is above the law.” “Democrats will not support any position that allows members of Congress to use their office to shield illegal activity, period.”
Laugh all you want. It’s a big step. The tone deaf congressional leadership seems to be noticing that the citizens have about reached the breaking point, given this little fiasco coupled with the Senate’s giant amnesty giveaway.
But, there’s more. Assume that a certain percentage of those in Congress are really good guys. Let’s aim high and say that this number is 10 percent. Here’s my question: Why are they there?
Would YOU want to work in an environment where 90 percent of your colleagues are either corrupt, incompetent, or both? Ever ask yourself why they would?
Even though our system is fatally biased against third parties, it is clear that a new party will be our only way out. You’ll notice that even 9/11 didn’t change anything, other than creating more bloated mostly pointless agencies.
Remember that the fledgling Republican party got its big break as Whigs broke away over the issue of slavery. God knows we have plenty of issues. All we need is for the good guys to break away.