No, this is not a piece about Judge John Roberts. Perhaps, he really is to the right of center, but with little paper trail, no one can be sure. At this point, he seems to be a faceless drone, who has devoted his entire life to improving his resume. These may now be necessary qualities for advancement in the judiciary, but suffice to say, he’s not my kind of guy.
What is of more interest here is the tenacity to which groups like NARAL Pro-Choice America keep fighting the fight. There is little chance that Roe v. Wade would ever be overturned, and even if it were, then the matter would simply go back to the states. In a worst case scenario for the pro-aborts, a woman might have to travel to another state to get her “procedure” done—hardly the doomsday we keep hearing about.
We have to look deeper.
The fact is, there’s a whole lot of money in the abortion business, and any restriction at all, including parental notification, is bad for business. We can only speculate as to how many abortions are performed on young women, and paid for by their older “lovers,” but you can be sure that statutory rapists and other sexual offenders are being protected in this manner. And, if any restriction might cause some women to think twice about what they’re doing, this could also mean loss of revenue. Far better to keep the mills running 24×7, with no time for patient reflection.
Consider also the importance of having abortion enshrined as an approved Federal “right.” This alone changes the very face of what, until quite recently, was considered a barbaric act by virtually all cultures in the world. And, while we’re at it, there is no “right” to abortion, regardless of what various governments might tell you.
Any human right must derive from the natural law, that is, those essentials of human nature that can be grasped with the unaided light of human reason. Killing ones own offspring is so contrary to human nature that we could imagine few worse crimes. That this killing is done in utero instead of in plain sight is an artifact that should fool no one. Besides, in late-term abortions, the killing IS often done in plain sight.
Rights are not granted by the government. The Bill of Rights was set down to PREVENT government from abridging our natural rights. If the government “freed the slaves,” it was the government that enslaved them in the first place.
If there is any right involved in this debate, it is the right to life. To argue the notion of “Reproductive Rights,” as many do, is to create a term with emotional appeal, but no meaning. Reproduction involves three individuals: the mother, the father, and the unborn child. When a woman chooses abortion to exercise reproductive rights, what about those same rights as applied to the other two parties? What if the father is against the abortion? No doubt, the unborn child is against the abortion! By what logic is this strictly the woman’s decision?
This life-or-death decision became the woman’s own, only under the rubrics of victimhood. By the same sick “reasoning” that allowed discrimination against innocent Caucasians to make up for historical injustices to Blacks, women as victims trumped all other considerations. Note that in both cases, it was court action, rather than any legislation, that promoted these ends.
Just how IS a woman victimized by pregnancy? If she is raped, although this is rare. Most often, it is because the pregnancy is inconvenient or “unplanned,” or even if planned, later regretted. In the case of Roe, Norma McCorvey claimed rape, and later recanted. Her facilitators in the quest included a lesbian attorney, who certainly had her own agenda.
It boggles the mind as to how lesbians could be ardently pro-abortion, since, by definition, they would never be pregnant. It only makes sense when you realize that in despising the most fundamental act of a woman, they despise themselves.
Beyond all this, abortion reinforces our cultural shift to functional atheism, as the divine miracle of birth can be blotted out, under the sinister banner of a “right.”
It is no wonder, then, that the advocates of abortion have to work ceaselessly. They are on the ultimate fool’s errand. After all, it takes great effort to cause to people to act against the natural law. And when they do, they limit the numbers on their side.