What would YOU say is the worst thing about this sicko Leftist mother, whose method of mourning her son is to create sound bites for herself, as she dishonors her soldier son’s memory?
Is it her virulent self-hatred that morphed, obviously years ago and not at all because of her son’s death, into America hatred, whereby she notes that America was killing people when we first stepped onto this continent? Is it her clumsy low-rent anti-Semitism, as she blames Israel for all the Mideast violence, and “Neo-Cons” for her son’s death? Is it her pushing donations to organizations claiming 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, when they don’t in fact have it?
Is it her own documented tax evasion in California that came long before her current tax protest, in which she says she won’t pay Federal income tax because of her dead son? Is it her absurd denials of statements she made, that were posted in documentary and transcript form on the Internet for all to see?
You can take your pick, but there’s something here that is more sinister.
Sheehan and her media handlers are cleverly exploiting fundamental human fears and taboos in the most cynical manner possible. One of the most curious facets of modern society is how we treat the subject of death. Even though it happens to everyone, and touches everyone as a bereaved, only those who have achieved some sort of special status are judged worthy to comment on it. Clearly, Sheehan was always a Leftist crackpot, but with her new status as a grieving mother, she now has the bully pulpit. Why?
Every person who has ever died had a mother, and there are countless instances whereby a child dies before its mother. Her son chose to be a soldier and even reenlisted. What is her complaint?
That soldiers should never die? That her son should never die? That he was too stupid to know that soldiers might get killed? That he died for a country that she has said is not worth dying for?
She also said that “if” we were attacked, she would be out there on the front lines, hitting the perps with a rolling pin, if need be. Well, we WERE attacked, and we ARE fighting the bad guys by flushing them out into the Iraq conflict, rather than on Main Street, USA. How does she propose that we fight terrorism? Her answer, parroting the peace-loving Left, is to surrender. A more inappropriate eulogy for her son could scarcely be imagined.
But, politics being what it is, few people, and certainly not the President, would dare give this woman, and her manipulative cohorts, such a stark dose of reality.
She is given the right to speak her mind, no matter how seditious to her country, how disrespectful to her son’s memory, or how pathetically burlesque it all appears. However, let no one argue that she has some particular “moral authority” to speak about anything, just because her son has died.
Many have blamed Sheehan’s celebrity on the August slow news cycle, and that is surely one factor. The bigger culprits are the Leftist media, a public more impressionable than naive college freshmen, and a secular culture that can’t deal with death, and doesn’t do much better with life.