Allow me to present the ultimate plan, that will not only stop all illegal immigration from Mexico, but, if implemented, will create tremendous economic benefit, and solve a few more problems along the way.
Before I tell you what it is, be assured that as great and simple an idea as it is, it will never be implemented.
Here’s the deal: The United States will annex Mexico.
Don’t laugh this one off so quickly. Mexico currently has much mineral wealth (not just oil) but has forever been burdened with a corrupt and sometimes even evil ruling class, that seems to care little that a great percentage of its people are below the poverty line.
With a comparatively benevolent American government in power, there would be much less reason for people to abandon their homes for “El Norte.” Rather, there would be much work locally. Millions could be gainfully employed in untold development projects, involving basic infrastructure, as well as in extracting natural resources. Indeed, billions now spent—mostly fruitlessly—in border enforcement could be directed into far more useful pursuits.
For all those jobs north of the former border that “Americans won’t do,” we now have a ready source of workers, who can be legally employed at provisional sub-minimum wage levels for a short time, if necessary in certain cases, to take up this supposed slack. But, it would all be above board. And, all these workers would be paying taxes. More than that, they would not be sending their wages “home” to a different country, they would merely be sending them to a different state or territory.
Since the birth rate of the former Mexicans is far higher than that of El Norte, we have also solved the problem of Social Security going broke, given a ready supply of young people paying into the system.
Liberals and the media whores would love all this, since we Americans are not being cowboys anymore at the border. Instead, we are helping our fellow man. Yet, socialism would not be much of an answer, since the only way this could work we be via massive projects, at least partially privately funded and run via private corporations. Yes, Bechtel, Fluor, and all the A&E firms would be booming, carrying countless sub-contractors along with them.
Internationally, the Eurotrash would be forced to love us, even if they would still feel envy since they could not copy this model, based on their geography.
For those who argue that there would be a language problem given large numbers of Spanish-only speakers, I would respond, “Are you kidding?”
The only big losers in this plan would be the Mexican ruling class, and I am confident that they could be bought off and kicked out. A smaller class of losers would be immigration lawyers and related service providers, including purveyors of fake ID’s, but there won’t be too many tears cried over their plight.
The most difficult part of the transition would be replacing Mexican government institutions with American versions. This would be phased in over 10 years, and English could be worked into the equation at the same time. The cost of doing business in the former Mexico would be drastically reduced once the corruption and the dreaded mordidas are eliminated.
The more you study this proposition, the better it looks.
Why would it never happen?
Obviously, the entrenched governments in both countries would be against it, for reasons of ego and self-interest. Delusional patriots of the Pat Buchanan persuasion would note a loss of national identity, to which I would ask, “Where have you been since the end of World War II?”
For various reasons, and none of them are good, there is no American character or identity anymore. Indeed, tribalism and identity politics of a racial and ethnic nature, that serve merely to divide us and provide short-term political gain for the established kleptocracy have succeeded in destroying whatever “American” character ever did exist.
Simply put, unless we are willing to shoot illegals as they cross the border—and, of course, we are not—a merger of the countries is the only answer.
You wanted a solution? I gave you a good one.
But, it will never happen.