Let us recall the halcyon days of the American Left. It is Christmas, 1945. World War II has ended just a few months earlier. The fascist Hun and great Yellow peril have been defeated, and the Left’s true believers are basking in the glow of victory with their great and glorious ally, Uncle Joe Stalin. With no competition, the Left-leaning commentary of the Murrows and Cronkites dominates the airwaves. The socialist legacy of FDR is well in place, and few seem to recall that despite his myriad of alphabet soup agencies and programs, it was the war that turned the tide economically.
But in the summer of 1950, the Rosenberg atomic spy case bursts on the scene, exposing the very real Red peril. We might ask how lifelong Commies such as Julius Rosenberg could have obtained sensitive positions in the military, and how his brother-in-law David Greenglass could have been given clearance to work on the top-secret Manhattan Project, but that would be “McCarthyism.” Truth be told, in light of this appalling case, some on the Left do defect. Unfortunately, though, most stay, and take to the streets in protest of the fates of the soon to be executed spies.
1960 brings the election of the first television president, JFK, and his photogenic spouse. The press corps is remarkably silent about his host of medical problems [it is noted later that had he not been killed, he would likely not have survived another year], as well as his constant extramarital affairs. When Kennedy is slain, hundreds of absurd and contradictory conspiracy theories arise. After all, how could this King of Camelot be cut down by some loser with a mail-order gun? There has to be a plot somewhere. It is the CIA or the FBI or the Mafia, or “right wing industrialists.” But a Leftist assassin with ties to Moscow and Cuba? Never.
Truth be told, a few on the Left—a very few—do defect, in wake of Kennedy’s colossal failure with Bay of Pigs, and feckless entry into the Vietnam conflict. Some are converted by observing how Cuban “liberator” Fidel Castro has turned into a brutal Communist dictator. But most stay, content to live with the image and not the reality.
Civil rights marches and Vietnam War protests mark the mid-to late 1960’s. The drug scene is beginning to get out of hand, and demonstrations are turning violent, but there are few defections from the Left now. On the contrary, the movement grows with the infusion of over-privileged baby boomers, shiftless hippies, academic ne’er-do-wells, and professional agitators. For the most part, the media coverage of this era is fawning of the Left, and flagrantly so.
In 1968, the Left is taken down a peg with Nixon defeating Hubert Humphrey. Inexplicably, though, Nixon embraces many ideas of the Left, including Affirmative Action, creating the Environmental Protection Agency, establishing wage and price controls, opening up dialog with Mainland China, and devaluing the dollar. Nixon continues to self-destruct while in office with Watergate, and is happily forced out the door by a cadre of willing Democrats, upset perhaps that he stole part of their playbook.
Thus emboldened, the Left and their media accomplices sneak in smiling incompetent Jimmy Carter, who is proving his mettle yet today.
By 1980, however, the bloom is definitely off the rose. The boomers are getting jobs and entering mainstream society, and the hard-core Left is dwindling in numbers, if not sheer influence. They still control the elite media. Twelve long years of Republican leadership are broken by “It’s the economy, stupid,” and Bill Clinton, the first boomer president, does two terms. Even Leftist idiots such as Barbra Streisand must admit to themselves that this “best and brightest” is really little more than a jumped-up randy white trash degenerate. But, they can only admit it to themselves, and must still fight the good fight.
By 1996, with the Internet and talk radio in full swing, the back is broken of the Information Mandarin Class, and it is clear how most of the country thinks. Had Clinton run against anyone other than the pathetic Bob Dole, he would surely have been defeated, but the stupid party feels compelled to reward its war hero two-time loser. The shallowness of Clinton’s second term victory is not lost on the Left, and many can see which way the wind is blowing. Further defections occur.
Although the 2000 election is very close, it is apparent that but for mindless minority group bloc voting, and massive voter fraud involving illegal aliens and the homeless, George W. Bush’s victory would have been much more decisive. 9/11 is yet another nail in the coffin, while the sham of their beloved United Nations is demonstrated to all with the eyes to see, and brain to comprehend.
Deprived now of the bully pulpit they never earned, and forced to face up to their costly and tragic failures, with more of their fellow rats abandoning their sinking ship every day, those that remain can turn only to raw emotion.
Thus, bereft of logic and ideas to answer us, they can only hate us.