The causes of the New Orleans tragedy are manifold, but surely have a lot to do with the rampant corruption that has plagued The Big Easy since Reconstruction. While many other American cities are corrupt, most of them still manage to dole out SOME services to the poor, downtrodden hostages, who keep returning them to office.
Richard Daley, Sr., after all, was no choirboy, but Chicago mostly worked during his long tenure. And, in the early 20th century, municipal politics in Los Angeles was astoundingly seamy, but services were still delivered, one way or another. Many more examples of corrupt cities that function come to mind, but New Orleans is unique in American history as the only major city that has been virtually destroyed. It is tempting to conclude that its corruption is unprecedented, as well.
The Landrieu family has made its miserable fortune on the backs of the poor, mostly Black residents of their fabled city, and what’s the best that baby-faced Senator Mary can come up with? Condemnations of President Bush, for, I guess, failing to write legislation for her to introduce to build up the levees, and, for not preventing her family and others for misusing the billions that DID come in, earmarked for the US Army Corps of Engineers. When she was not crying her crocodile tears in Congress, she took a reporter on a flyover of her damaged beach house.
Yes, her priorities are certainly well-placed.
Moving to the upper Midwest, all eyes are focused on the murder trial of Hmong immigrant Chai Soua Vang, who killed six hunters in the woods of Sawyer County, Wisconsin. It’s bad enough that Vang is claiming self-defense, even though there was but one gun among the six dead, and four of them were shot in the back.
What’s worse is that a jury pool was recruited from Dane County, 300 miles to the south, supposedly to eliminate racial bias or preconceived notions. A more obvious reason for the choice of Dane County is that it is the home of the huge and uber-Left Wing University of Wisconsin (Madison) community, and offers a good chance for racially, uh, sensitive jurors.
Demonstrating know-nothing elitism at its very best, the hicks of northwestern Wisconsin are excluded from the trial of someone who killed six of their own. And, they are replaced with a pool who are in no way cognizant of hunting culture, trespassers, or small town life. Why other population centers of Wisconsin, including Brown County (Green Bay), Waukesha County, or even Milwaukee County were not chosen was never explained. But, no explanation is necessary, is it?
Our final outrage takes place in Merry Olde England. It seems that the entire print run of the opposing British National Party’s newspaper—The Voice of Freedom—was SEIZED, yes seized, by the Labour-led British government. The BNP, with many elected officials as members, is a crazy quilt of socialism, nativism, environmentalism, cultural conservatism, anti-globalism, and traditional values.
While the BNP has no love for any of the other parties in its country, that does not seem to be a reason to deny them freedom of the press. Perhaps, Labour was embarrassed by BNP revelations of the kid glove approach that is really behind the supposed “get-tough” policy on Islamists in their midst.
So, BNP just published the entire paper online, assuring far more circulation than their small 60,000 piece press run would ever have delivered. Amazing that Labour did not see that coming. As it turned out, the seized papers were released the next day, and it is expected that more will be coming out regarding this outrage.
Your Government is here to help, indeed.