Movie fans know that “the matrix,” as depicted in the 1999 film, as well as in the sequel released on May 16, is an incredibly complicated system of virtual reality computer programs, designed to keep most humans in a sort of mind-prison, so that they can be tapped as an energy source.
While I’m reasonably confident that humans aren’t really floating in incubators from Hell, connected to some kind of power grid, the rest of the paradigm is ringing too true for comfort. In this case, the mind-control is operational in the areas of politics and the popular culture, and the matrix is—you guessed it—the liberal media. Not only is it active in the present, it is even powerful enough to create false memories.
As has been borne out in dozens of recent books and articles, this matrix was going full steam in the early 1960’s, to present the fantasy version of JFK, even as it was simultaneously hiding the dark side. And, if that’s not enough, the current public perception of this man places him high on the all-time list of US presidents. Not bad for a libertine empty suit with a forged resumé, and a host of frauds and failures. More than a few commentators have suggested that his faults are now being laid bare to make Clinton look good by comparison. Why else would that be done, other than to perpetuate more Leftist mythology, since this risk-free strategy takes full advantage of the eternal free pass and immunity from all negative impact, regardless of the revelation, inherent to the Kennedy fairy tale.
Was it a coincidence that at just about the same time that the Kennedy intern affair and her identity came to light, more drivel was being pumped out regarding the late Senator Joe McCarthy? You can’t name a figure more hated by the Left, since he was the one to break the hidden story of their treachery wide open. By their matrix accounts, in 1950-54, when McCarthy was doing his thing, all Americans were caught up in a reign of terror—a witch hunt they usually call it. The fact is that not only was he quite popular even to the end, there simply weren’t any “innocent victims” of his investigations, unless you want to define being subjected to enhanced scrutiny in the wake of the atomic spy case as “victim” status. If they thought about it at all, the overwhelming majority of Americans of that era approved of the so-called “red-baiting.” It was only the elite Leftist cabal, controlling the media matrix, that obsessed about it and was against it.
Instead, especially in the case of the Hollywood commies, public reaction was not sympathy, but was quite similar to the backlash being felt today by ultra Lefties such as Danny Glover, who lost an MCI commercial, stupefyingly arrogant New York Times reporter Chris Hedges, who was booed off a graduation ceremony podium, and the large mouth/small brain Dixie Chicks, whose popularity has dropped considerably. The Screen Actors Guild and other groups are screaming irrelevantly about the first amendment and censorship, just as they did back in Joe McCarthy’s day. But the most accurate assessment of the situation—both then and now— belongs to Ann Coulter, who remarked, “It’s not as much fun when the rabbit shoots back.”
How should the public have reacted to events such as when writer/producer Paul Jarrico was asked in 1951 by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, “In the event of a war between Russia and America, would you support the United States?” His silence was deafening, and got him blacklisted, although he continued to work in the US and Europe. In a poetic example of “payback’s a bitch,” Jarrico was killed in a car accident in 1997, while driving home from a Directors Guild event honoring those who were blacklisted.
Abraham Polonsky and Edward Dmytryk, two original Hollywood Ten members, were interviewed in the 1996 AMC production “Blacklist: Hollywood On Trial.” Polonsky was absolutely unrepentant, still claiming that the Party was merely a social club. Dmytryk was incredulous. “Is he still deceiving himself for Christ’s sake? I’m surprised at that, he knows better. We worked for the Comintern, we were given directions by the Comintern, the Party was in the middle of all of it! I eventually came to see the Party as a menace.”
But then, Polonsky was merely a delusional, pompous, publicity-seeking, self-pitying useful idiot, who lived to the ripe age of 88. Ethel Rosenberg, of atomic spy ring infamy, didn’t quite make it to age 38 when she rejected a chance to save her life and prevent her sons from being orphans, by refusing to admit her obvious guilt. Her devotion to the Party trumped her instinct for self-preservation and the welfare of her kids.
Now there’s a matrix.