In a revelation that should receive nasty commentary from the feminists—but won’t—60-year-old New York City church administrator Marion (Mimi) Fahnestock admitted to being the teenage intern, who had a “special” relationship with JFK, as described in Robert Dallek’s An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963.
“From June 1962 to November 1963, I was involved in a sexual relationship with President Kennedy,” Fahnestock said in a short statement. “For the last 41 years, it is a subject I have not discussed.”
Some questions come to mind…
- Did it bother her in the least that she was having an affair with a married man with two kids?
- Did she reflect on just how special her relationship was, while she “swapped secrets,” as the NY Daily News put it, with the many other attractive young women rumored to also be having sex with JFK at the same time?
- Did it bother her that by all accounts, she was “doing” JFK even after she was engaged to her future husband?
We might never know the answers, but let’s just say that Mimi, now a grandmother of four, has not exactly been the picture of contrition. As it is, her friends are full of support.
“Good for her,” said Joan (Bitsy) Tatnall, 59. “She was a young girl, he’s a glamorous guy. … I think it was an adventure.”
Whether Tatnall would recommend the same for her own daughter was not revealed. Should we take a poll to determine if a substantial number of American women agree with her somewhat cavalier attitude toward this form of prostitution?
Yet, there are bigger fish to fry than a former stupidly infatuated over-privileged prep school teeny-bopper. We can look at our fabled (literally, as in Camelot) 35th president. If Reagan was the “Teflon” chief executive, modern science has not developed a material that can be compared to the way scandal, lies, deceit, and bad news slipped right off John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
His extra-marital affairs were legion, but did you know about the extra marriage? JFK married socialite Durie Malcolm in Palm Springs, CA in early 1947, and then a few days later had his friend Charles Spalding steal the marriage certificate from the Court House.
Recent articles have exposed his poor health and outrageous drug consumption. In the 1960 election, JFK concealed his Addison’s disease, a life-threatening condition caused by partial or complete failure of adreno-cortical function. The records show that Kennedy took codeine, Demerol and methadone for pain; Ritalin, a stimulant; meprobamate and librium for anxiety; the barbiturates Phenobarbital, Nembutal for sleep; thyroid hormone; steroids; antihistamines; paregoric; lamodal transatine; and injections of a blood derivative, gamma globulin, to combat infections. Kennedy was taking antispasmodics to control colitis; muscle relaxants; antibiotics for a urinary tract infection; and he was on oral cortisone; he was on injected cortisone and testosterone to control his adrenal insufficiency. He was also getting numerous daily injections of Novocain and Procaine.
Only in office a few months, JFK did his level best to assure the failure of the infamous Bay of Pigs invasion (April, 1961). He weakened the original plan over the strenuous objections of two CIA planners, who threatened to resign. One of them expressed shock and outrage about how John and Robert Kennedy thought so little of “…taking nearly 2,000 people and putting them out as animal bait.” JFK was directly warned by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Lemnitzer that the invasion “would have very little chance of success.” First Brother Bobby created a massive coverup out of whole cloth blaming others, declaring that JFK was hardly involved. There is little doubt that this fiasco led to his magnum opus—the Cuban Missile Crisis (October, 1962).
Recklessly forcing a confrontation with Soviet Premier Khrushchev, strictly for political motives, John F. Kennedy brought this nation as close to nuclear war as we ever have been, and please God ever will be. In the end, JFK yielded on the key issue of inspections for compliance, and agreed to withdraw our missile installations from Turkey (which he denied). Assuming that the Russians did remove the Cuban missiles—which is still in doubt—at best, we ended up worse off than we started. Many scholars regard this affair as the single most irresponsible act of any US president.
The cynical entertainment industry adage “Death was a career move,” applies more to JFK than even Lincoln, who at least is now finally getting the critical analysis he so richly deserves. Jack Kennedy, though, is the last linchpin holding together the entire mythology of the Left. He is also one of the anointed saints, along with FDR, for the hilariously misnamed Greatest Generation. Given this star power, don’t expect a catharsis anytime soon, but rather, lament the standards long ago lost.