With the body count up to nine, and no end in sight, Metro Washington, DC is gripped with anxiety. Retail sales are way down, people are afraid to pump gas, and athletic events have been either canceled or moved hundreds of miles away. So what are we to make of this latest outrage, striking us where we live?
Although law enforcement is still playing down this theory, the sniper killings are clearly terrorist attacks, rather than crimes. Any crime, including serial murder, has some defining discernible pattern, and is hardly ever random. From Jack the Ripper to Ted Bundy, and from Son of Sam to the Zodiac, a pattern always emerges. In this case, there is no pattern, other than that the victims are chosen only on the basis of how invisible the sniper’s location can be.
If you need more convincing, consider that a huge reward, in excess of $500,000, has been instituted for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perp(s), with absolutely no results. Moreover, in a high profile case of this type, credible information from ANY source, including death row inmates, could lead to complete exoneration and freedom for the informant. Why is no information forthcoming?
No tips are coming in for the simple reason that the perps are members of a terrorist cell, housed within the large and mostly sympathetic Muslim community of Metro Washington. As such, assuming the snipers are reasonably astute, and pick their targets carefully, this operation could go on for a long, long time. After all, given the current political climate, it’s going to take a whole lot more corpses before the cops grow the huevos necessary to focus on this frankly obvious scenario.
At the same time, the useful idiots are speaking their minds. The ACLU is quite concerned about the use of military aircraft to aid the investigation, seeing it as a violation of the posse comitatus acts. What rationale, other than an outright love of evil could possibly motivate them to raise such a picayune objection at such a time? And, of course, the gun controllers are getting wide media coverage. Never mind that these killings are occurring in an area with some of the strictest gun laws in the entire country.
One of the definitions of “law” in Black’s Legal Dictionary is “That which must be obeyed and followed by citizens subject to sanctions or legal consequences is a law. Law is a solemn expression of the will of the supreme power of the state.” (California Civil Code, ยง 22) Who can disagree with this? Unfortunately, though, starting a few years after the original civil rights laws were enacted, and aided and abetted by the awful Warren court, the Left has become almost sexually enamored with the notion of laws being put on the books–as an end in itself. Thus, despite the thousands of laws already extant, the answer to any problem is another law. New vistas are opening up daily concerning hate crimes, discrimination, harassment, and animal rights, to name but a few.
Curiously though, these very same lexophiles seem to forget all about enforcement. A certain former president unquestionably perjured himself and obstructed justice, but these laws were not enforced. There are mandatory questions to be answered on visa applications, but somehow, all the 9/11 hijackers left many of these blank, and got their visas with no difficulty. And, yes, there are laws against illegal immigration (that’s why it is ILLEGAL), but they, too, are hardly ever enforced.
If you want a glimpse of what this country will become with uncontrolled immigration, look at what has happened in a small town in Maine. Sad to say, there will be many more Lewiston, Maines and many more sniper victims before your government reacts. Blame Democrats and Neo-cons too scared of being labeled bigots, Republicans addicted to money from the slave-labor interests, and fools like Karl Rove who think that they can garner the immigrant vote. Only in America!